
Why We Write

There is really a lot of music out there. With the advent of the information age, and the availability of access to independant recording and publishing, there are simply more artists than ever before. It's no longer a simple choice between The Beatles or The Stones - there are so many bands in so many genres and sub-genres.

And as the number of bands has grown, so has the cacophony of voices in the accompanying media. It can be quite a daunting task, trying to tell from reviews which bands are good to listen to and perhaps it's not surprising, because everyone has their own reasons for promoting the music. Record labels want to promote their acts, magazine sites want to push the music that will sell their magazines, and so on.

Music aggregators like the Hype Machine scrape the web for what is being blogged about, and then provide the functionality to like (or heart) the songs - and so one can get an idea of what is popular and what is not. Still, the information is too much, and 'popular' does not necessarily equate with 'good' - where the definition of 'good music' is something like 'music that makes one reflect on some aspect of the human condition in some novel way'. The words of the songs we listen to are the poems of our age.

So that explains why there is a need for blogs like this one. We, the authors don't have a commercial agenda for promoting a certain band over another. We present music here, that has some meaning for us - and that we believe deserves recognition, whether it is new or old.

The band above, 'Now, Now' are an example of the artists that we love at the Indie Cantina. (Picture from wiki commons)

The folks who are involved with the Indie Cantina are the 'early adopters' of music. We listen to the music - from new music releases by big label bands, to old releases that have fallen through the gaps, to releases by small bands so hot off the press that they're still vibrating with the last chords played by the artists.

We are the wetware filters between the publishing artists and the general public. We listen and watch, and when something makes an impact - we post :)

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