New social webcrap, new bands and songs, new posts (!), new news...
Romantic alternative songs from the 80's are just perfect to slow it down. It's just like there was a "ghost in me" to pull me back in time. Sitting me in a wood chair, slapping my face and putting an old book in my hands.
"I know you won't read it but, at least, listen to this!"...he says while the turntable arm moves alone.
I must confess I really don't like Youtube...don't ask me why. It's an inexplicable and controlled antipathy.
There are youtubers that mix/blend movie scenes with a particular song THEY like. That can result in a complete disaster to our senses. That can be compared with someone that put's a soundtrack together with their holidays footage and then INVITE YOU TO COME BY AND SHARE IT WITH YOU! (Sometimes they don't even offer you a proper dinner!)
We call it here, something like, "Depressing Little Treasures". We all find those horrible pieces of non-creativity everytime we go look in Youtube for a certain unexistent "official" videoclip. I believe many of you agree with me so far, I found a beautifull "depressing little treasure" and I finally realized that their existence, just like feet nails, can make some sense.
First, the song...It must be a good one, as I keep listening to it for almost 3 decades now. Nothing much sophisticated to say about it, I find melody/instrumentation/voice/lyrics were all successfully worked out, in a very pleasant way.
Then the movie, this movie is...well, I'm not interested in discussing it because what I really like in it is Scarlett. She's a visual "Ghost In You".
I am almost sure that this "little treasure's" author didn't even realized that the song and Scarlett were both born in 1984...
It makes things even more interesting.
Resuming, maybe things don't really have to make any sense if they are, somehow, pleasant to us.
Sense may be found after.