Tuesday 22 January 2013

Paradox Messmer

Django Django - "Wor"

This is the first song of 2012 that totally made me go OMFG and lose my shit! Because it brought back the primal spirit of rock n' roll in full furious force with its rollicking build up of a guitar assault that is a throwback to the golden age of underground rock while still managing to sound new and fresh. That aptly describes the rest of this debut album, which is destined to be a classic for years to come.

Islands - In a Dream it Seemed Real

These Canadian indie greats came out with an album in 2012 that was highly personal for the frontman, dealing with his divorce from someone he calls in one song his best friend. It's an emotionally soaring album full of ups and downs, mostly downs, but there is still a breath of hope in there like with any great album about a turning point in a man's life. This song is gorgeous, haunting and poetic. Go get this album.

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