Sunday 20 January 2013

Bailey Acanthus

The xx – Chained – Coexist

It was actually a tie between this song, Angels, and Fiction from the Coexist album. I chose this one because it soothes my rough edges and takes me into a beautiful limbo. It's no secret I have have trumpeted about the virtues of this whole album since it dropped, and it is often on repeat. Somehow, I have not tired of it.

Alt-J Breezeblocks - An Awesome Wave

This would have to be one of the other most played songs/videos I consumed in 2012. The video is just brilliant, though a dark and unpleasant theme. What I get out of it is that love has it's dark sisters; jealousy, revenge, rage, and perhaps madness. (the other message is don't cheat, it may backfire like you would not believe) ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Two great songs - and videos!

    The XX video is so gorgeous & elemental :)
