Saturday 26 January 2013

Iain Lordhunter

Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans

I was late to the Lana Del Rey party, having initially liked Video Games, but not really understood the fuss. By the time I heard the 'Paradise edition' of her album Born To Die, the backlash had already been and gone. It's a great album, and that is definitely the version to buy. I've gone for 'Blue Jeans' as my favourite track but the epic 'Ride' ran it very close.

Grimes - Genesis

My second choice is from another female artiste who divides opinion. Grimes' music is quirky, ethereal and sounds like nothing else out there ( although I expect 2013 will throw up a horde of imitation mini-Grimes ). Again it was tough to choose between two tracks: 'Genesis' pipped it, but I love 'Oblivion' too.