Tuesday 10 April 2012

My apologies

Perhaps I was too quick to dismiss dubstep. Granted, 90% of the people that listen to it just do so to piss off their parents, but there are some wonderful things happening in the other 10%. I just HAVE to share this video with somebody. A guy sits down on a bench, he walks around, he moves in strange ways, all to a dubstep remix of a Foster the People indie music song. Yet.....there is something about this that gives it artistic merit. There are no editing effects or trickery in this video. Just a guy who knows how to move his body.  - Mik

Prove you're not a music snob and click the link

1 comment:

  1. He really does know how to move his body :)

    I love especially the two parts where he *reverses* his dance steps... and they were these intricate moves going forward...

    42 million views :)
