Wednesday 11 April 2012

Are You Comfortable?

Zach Schimpf is a singer-songwriter from St. Louis, US...I didn't found any bio or even a single phrase about him or about the music he makes. I guess I'll have to classify it somehow...And I hate when I have to call names to things, unless I'm driving.
[I just had an idea!]
So, I will now imagine that I'm comfortably sitted in my car, driving home, when a rusty old van, driven by a Zach's song called "Comfortable", sudendly comes out from a parking bay, making me brake hard.
[I'm listening to the song while doing this exercise]
Me - "You indie, folkish, lo-fi, experimental dreamy thing!"
Song - "Oops, sorry! You know you can download me free?"


[bandcamp track=2268060494 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=dd131c size=venti]


  1. Awwwww Kara... I *am* comfortable now :)

    Dreaming, bopping along to the reverb...

  2. This is reminiscent of my childhood when I would play 45rpm discs (yes, I'm that old) at the slower speed of 33rpm, giving that dreamlike, slowed-down quality you find in this track. Maybe that's why I liked it. It needs more than one hearing though and in my case, probably when I'm more relaxed. Anyone know of a natural herb that has such properties? Is there a "herbalist" in the house? Is there such a musical classification as "impressionistic"? If not there ought to be.
